Wittenstein Time Centre
The tower on Vallimäe Hill in Paide is now home to the Wittenstein Time Centre. An elevator rolls back the centuries like a time machine, with displays from different eras on different floors – the days of knights, kings and tsars; the period of occupation; the first Estonian republic; and the period of the country’s regained independence. Sound and lighting effects, video programmes and illusions add to the overall effect.
Paide Cultural Centre
Paide Cultural Centre is the most suitable place to hold events in the Centre of Estonia. Paide Cultural Centre offers possibilities for different themes and sizes, for example, theatre plays, concerts, cultural events, exhibitions, conferences, seminars, trainings, etc.

Paide E-Piim Sports Hall
E-Piim Sports Hall has 1200 seats in its 1400 m² hall, which is suitable for different sports events, concerts, etc. In addition there is gym hall, one of a kind fire brigade wall and outdoor spawning wall. On the third floor you can organise exhibitions.